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8 Takeaways from 16 January Walker's Bank Hearing

County Councilman Bob Weiner entering documents into the record at the Historic Review Board, 16 January 2017

(1) A great turnout with an overflow crowd – 33 citizens filled the hearing room, with more than 10 unable to make it into the room. What a great indication of public support for saving Walker’s Bank! Something the owner and the members of the HRB noticed.

(2) The Historic Review Board did not take verbal comments this evening, but encouraged all citizens to submit comments in writing or via e-mail BEFORE FEBRUARY 6 to be part of the public record. Two suggested subject areas: family or relative’s historical connection to Walker’s Bank or working at the Du Pont Mills AND/OR suggested possible uses for Walker’s Mill’s restoration. In the subject line, include “Walker’s Bank.” Here are the Members of the Historic Review Board Dr. Barbara E. Benson, Chair. John T. Brook, Esq. John R. Davis, PE Stephen L. Johns, PE, PLS Rafeal X. Zahralddin-Aravena, Esq. All Board Members can all be e-mailed at It is helpful to also copy the following elected officials:

Matthew S. Meyer, County Executive E-mail: Robert S. Weiner New Castle Councilman E-mail:

(3) John Tracey, the attorney for Tim Ashford the owner submitted a copy of the Deed Restriction placed on the property by the DuPont Company prior to the sale in 2002. They also submitted a requested soil study narrative by the Duffield Group from the early 2000s as well as a copy of the variance decision for the parking spaces for Walker’s Mill from 2003-2004. A HUGE THANKS to Tim Ashford and John Tracey for taking actions to save Walker’s Mill. An economically viable restoration/re-use plan needs to be developed, something not possible without Mr. Ashford’s cooperation.

(4) County Councilman Bob Weiner also entered into the record the letter summarizing the commitment by Tim Ashford to tarp Walker’s Mill, close up the window openings and remove debris and vegetation from the building perimeter. He also entered comments on the record that he has been in contact with the Du Pont Company, which has agreed to re-examine the Deed Restriction prohibiting residential development at Walker’s Bank. He also entered written comments into the record from the Irish Club of Delaware, detailing the importance of Walker’s Bank’s role in the lives of Irish immigrants who worked in the mills. Bob has proven to be exactly what an elected official should be – responsive, proactive, representing the general public while trying to develop a cooperative solution.

Here is a link to the letter from the Irish Club of Delaware:

(5) Xerxes Wilson with the News Journal/DelawareOnline was there and had an opportunity to speak with a number of people. Look for an article in the next few days. Comically, James Hanby with Preservation Delaware, made an appearance and spoke with Mr. Wilson with the News Journal. Note: Mr. Hanby and Preservation Delaware had nothing to do with the turnout at either of the past two hearings or the rallying of public opinion. Worse, Preservation Delaware, the purported statewide “preservation group” was AWOL over the past 12 years as Walker’s Mill was permitted to decline without any call-to-action or attention by Preservation Delaware. Canby impresses me as the type of guy who shows up at a parade, walks to the front and grabs a baton and acts like he had something to do with the parade. Pathetically humorous. I digress.

(6) Look for exterior “stabilization” measures at Walker’s Bank over the next week. Let’s hope and pray for no heavy snows or high winds over the next few months.

(7) Will continue to post updates here over the next few weeks. Many Italian immigrants also were mill workers in the 1800s, and I hope we see a similar letter with supporting historical details to build the record of the property. If you have a letter you would like to see posted here, e-mail me at and I will see if I can upload.

(8) I have additional thoughts on the need for a REAL statewide preservation group. Walker’s Bank – where active citizens worked effectively with a government official to convince an owner that our history is worth saving – may be a model worth emulating statewide. Will try to post more details on that later this week.



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